

Team 2 – Australia will include Rob Preston, Elizabeth Dornom, Glenn Wilkinson and Julian Dent. Coming from a strong adventure racing and endurance background they have put in the hard work to transform their skills for OWR and finished second, when competed as Team 8 Australia in 2022.

They will use their experience in ultra endurance events to balance speed and navigation to ensure to keep on course and keep mistakes to a minimum. Rob’s exceptional navigation skills will be complimented by Elizabeth’s all-round physical strengths and Glenn’s swimming prowess will allow them to keep moving fast, and in the right direction. Combine this with Julian’s exceptional organizational and tactical knowledge and now an extra year of experience, their goal is to be unbeatable.

“Now we have unfinished business in the Archipelago – we want to be on top of the podium!”


Athletes of


– Why do you want participate in One Water Race?

OWR 2022 was an amazing experience for Team 8. Now that we have an understanding of what Swimrun actually is, we believe 2023 will be even better and we must be a part of it. We believe this time around with specific training and skills we will have the knowledge required to be at the pointy end of the race.

– What would be your biggest challenge as a team?

Our biggest challenge as a team will be the unpredictable weather and water temperature during the race. Positivity and moral support are two key strengths of our team and we will need to draw on this continuously to battle the elements and reach the finish line. We must not get complacent having already completed OWR once, a challenge as big as this must not be taken lightly and we are sure the competition as a whole is going to be faster, tougher and push us to our limits.

– What are your goals in participating in One Water Race?

Coming into 2022 OWR from a variety of adventure racing and endurance backgrounds, we were not novice athletes, but we were certainly novice at swim running. Being able to finish 2nd was an amazing achievement but we are hungry for more and with the extra experience we have gained we would love to be on top of the podium.