Alyssa Godesky

West Fairlee, Vermont


  • Current overall record holder for the Fastest Known Time (FKT) on the New Hampshire 48 High Peaks
  • Current female record holder for the FKT of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks
  • Current female record holder for the FKT on Vermont’s Long Trail (273 miles)
  • Eight top-5 professional finishes at the Ironman distance
  • First Female 2019 Trans-Pecos 6 day Stage Race
  • 3rd Place Team @ 2022 US Adventure Racing National Championships (30 hour race)

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

*Finisher of ITERA Scotland, a 5-day expedition Adventure Race *Multiple 24-36 hour Adventure Race finisher *Finished 37 Iron distance triathlons *Finished over 45 Ultramarathons *3x 100 mile run finisher, Personal Best of 21:42

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I have been fortunate to race a multitude of endurance races in my career as a professional athlete — from organized Ironman competitions to self-created multiday challenges and efforts. I have found that I become a better human being after each time I am able to push myself to the limits physically and mentally. Over the last few years I have been pursuing more team-oriented endurance events and I find these to be even more fulfilling. When you have to work to get multiple people to the finish line, managing the individual strengths and weaknesses, creating synergy with everyone: that’s where the magic happens. These experiences have given me such valuable insight into not only myself, but also how to become a better friend, partner, coach and just person in general, I am actively seeking new challenges to continue this process.

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

I raced the infamous Barkley Marathons in 2022 and finished ~1.25 loops before ending my race due to poor weather conditions. It was the first time I faced an event that most were not meant to succeed in. I learned that I never, ever want to go into a race with even a shred of doubt about my preparation – I believe the saying goes, if you are failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. That includes physical, mental and logistical prep!

– What are your strengths?

Mental toughness, managing sleep deprivation,

– What are your weaknesses?

While I typically do fine in cold environments, I just don’t love being cold, so I look forward to flipping that script and embracing something I don’t typically look forward to. I’ve also never done a specific swim-run race, though that would change before August!

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

Managing the monotony of the swim-run-swm-run-swim-run…..etc etc. Luckily with teammates I find you can help lean on them to keep you focused and engaged!

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?


– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

First and foremost, touching that Lighthouse! Also, the personal growth that comes from an adventure like this, seeing a beautiful place in our world, and shared memories for life with friends!