TEAM 1 – SWEDEN (2023)

Joakim Axelsson



  • 2019 – ÖtillÖ men 9.30h
  • 2018 – ÖtillÖ men 9.02h
  • 2016 – Högakusten swimrun men, 1st place
  • 2011 – ÖtillÖ mixed 1st place
  • 2010 – ÖtillÖ men 3rd place
  • 2009 – ÖtillÖ men 3rd place
  • 2009 – BAMM 50 duo men

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

I have done the One Water Race course over 3 days with break for sleep, but not as a race. In my profession as an Officer, I have done military exercises over several days with sleep deprivation, lack of food and navigate over long distances, both in summer and winter time. This experience is not only as a participant but also as officer in charge for the exercise. The last three years I have together with Pär done physical adventures in the Swedish mountains, running for several days on Kings trail. We have also swum across Sweden’s biggest lake Vänern, without support. I have been competing in Swimrun since 2008 and finished ÖtillÖ 12 times.

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

This race feels like the ultimate race in swimrun. The combination of the environment, duration, day and night, navigation and you do it as a team.

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

Yes, in my profession I have faced similar challenge.

– What are your strengths?

I have long experience of swimrun. As a person I’m thorough and have an eye for details. My profession as an Officer with experience of planning, take decisions on short notice with lack of information. “Preparatus Supervivet”.

– What are your weaknesses?

I’m impatient.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

The combination of sleep deprivation, the harsh environment, the long duration of the race and then be able to navigate and take smart decisions. As a support crew, to support every team member with their specific needs when it’s needed.

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

I have done ÖtillÖ 13 times, and several swimrun training sessions in the archipelago. I have experience of navigate during day and night both in swimming and running.

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

The challenge and the adventure together with a team. The road towards the race, including preparation, planning, training and doing this together with teammates. Finally execute the race and face challenges as they come up during the race. Standing there at the light house and greeting the teammates’ as they arrive.

athletes of TEAM 1 – SWEDEN (2023)