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The winners of OWR22  are now returning to the One Water Race for the third time. This is a team of multiple world champions and some of the top profiles in swimrun, Daniel Hansson, Kristin Larsson, Adriel Young and Johan Hasselmark as support crew. This is a team with solid experience from both swimrun and adventure racing that makes them one of the best in the world within the field. They know the terrain and have a unique combination of both endurance and speed. Known as the team with the queen and kings of the sport.

Athletes of


– Why do you want participate in One Water Race?

We believe that OWR is a ultimate race with many challenges. On race day we will race hard and push ourselves to make the best out of our team. Before and after the race we want to reinforce the attention on why we should care about the health of our waters. It’s our playground that we share with the marine life and ecosystem. We hope to encourage others to go out swimming in the archipelago and realize why we should care about water health.

– What would be your biggest challenge as a team?

To minimize the tough periods and too keep a fast and steady pace throughout the race.

– What are your goals in participating in One Water Race?

To race fast and solid through the whole race and be the first team to reach the finish line.