Countdown and race prep

The days are counted, only 11 days to race start! 

Months and for some, even several years, of preparation will soon bear fruit, as the time has come for the first edition of the One Water Race. The only question is whether it is possible to fully prepare for this type of challenge? Training and nutrition are obvious parts of the team’s preparation, but can they prepare for the mental stress of the race, as well as the challenge and the unknowns that the weather brings? We have met some of the teams to get an insight into how they set up their preparations throughout the year as well as what the final days before the race look like. Read about that and their winning game plans below. And in just two weeks we will know which was the winning strategy and which team who are standing on the podium.


Team no 2 Sweden

How do you train for a race like OWR over the year?
We are all into various kinds of sports and adventures. Often the training comes hand in hand with our interests together with family and friands throughout the year. In front of each different kind of competition, regardless if it’s skimo, adventure race or Swimrun a period of more specific disciplined training are added.

What’s the most import thing the day before the race?
We want to feel relaxed and confident about being well prepared.

What about nutrition, how important is that and what are you eating?
We will eat food that makes us strong and warm. With no new good energy added to our bodies we will of cause not finish the race so this is very important. We are not picky on exactly what we eat but we will prepare food with a healthy balance of energy sources. We have some favorites that are added more as a treat to us and that can vary throughout the race: one example is pancakes filled with chocolate cream, nuts and seeds.

What’s your winning game plan as it comes to preparations?
We will always do what best for us as a team, to care about each other will make us the winning team.


Team No 3 – USA

How do you train for a race like OWR over the year?

An epic race like One Water Race, that truly tests the limits of human performance and endurance, requires a deep physical and mental base of training that is accumulated over years of racing and adventuring.  In the months leading up to OWR, our team focused on areas of our bodies that we knew would experience the most wear over the 65 hours, including our shoulders, core, our thermoregulatory system and our minds.  We practiced as frequently as we could together to really refine our gear, our communication and our bodies to prepare us for traversing the archipelago.

What’s the most important thing the day before the race?
By far the most important thing the day before the race is to relax.  We know that we have prepared the best we can and we have dialed our gear so that everything is as ready as it can be.  The day before is a time to mentally focus, center our bodies and trust our preparation.

What about nutrition, how important is that and what are you eating?
Nutrition during the One Water Race is paramount and will make or break our performance.  From a lifetime of adventure racing and ultra running, we know that consistency of calorie intake is key along with a mix of high energy long burn fuels with a balance of fats and proteins along with the carbohydrates.  We also know the importance of ‘real’ food with one of our favorites being instant cheesy bacon mashed potatoes that are actually very tasty both hot and cold.

What’s your winning game plan as it comes to preparations?
We are all experienced lifelong athletes and adventurers which means that we trust each other to show up physically and mentally prepared for the challenge.  Our winning game plan centers around customizing and dialing in our gear because we know that the One Water Race is a unique problem to solve which requires creative kit modifications and customizations.


Team No 5 – South America

How do you train for a race like OWR over the year? 
The training for OWR is based on volume, and in training hours. Lot of swimming, lot of running, and specific swimrun training on weekends. We are used to high volumes of training in trail running, swimming, rowing, cycling. Preparing an expedition of 500 km we do about 30 hours training a week.

What’s the most import thing the day before the race?  
Good sleep, be relaxed and focused on the race. Try to visualize the race and the rhythm that we are going to take, the transitions, the interaction with the teammates.

What about nutrition, how important is that and what are you eating?
Nutrition in this kind of race where calories are so important is a key issue, we will have a nutrition plan that we will strictly follow. Normally in expedition races our nutrition is based on snacks, gels, bars, and we try to have one important meal per day, freeze-dried meals, in my case I love the scrambled eggs or good pasta. But in this case, it will be different because the body will waste many energies and calories to keep temperature, we are studying our strategy trusting in our experience and nutrition study over the years. Nutrition is very important throughout the year, not just before the races. A balanced diet makes us healthy and strong, capable of unfolding our best potential.

What’s your winning game plan as it comes to preparations? 
The plan is to plan,  not leaving anything to chance, being in every detail and training a lot. We are committed to train as champions, focused and giving it all in all the process. Also to prepare for the worst, train in conditions as difficult or more difficult than those I will face in the race, and thus learn to manage suffering.


Team No 7 – USA

How do you train for a race like OWR over the year?
You swim, run, and practice orienteering as much as possible while getting acquainted with your gear and backup options. We eat a lot, don’t sleep much, chase around toddlers, and run in wet shoes as much as possible. Also try not to get injured along the way!

What’s the most important thing the day before the race?
Sleep, drink loads of fluids, and stuff our faces with some extra carbs. FOOD!

What about nutrition, how important is that and what are you eating?
The whole reason we do these events to be able to pack our cheeks with extra calories. Each athlete’s nutrition is individualized and some of us are more into liquids, while Brett can eat bars every meal for 10 days straight. I see many sandwiches, baked goodies, and burritos in the future. Nutrition is extremely important when training for any activity, especially as we get older and the fat wants to sit on our bones a little longer! We definitely have our nutrition front and center throughout the year but we have some secrets that we can share. Justin swears by peanut M & M’s, Lara doesn’t go a day without a shot of maple syrup and Brett has been known to down a pint of ice cream daily.

What’s your winning game plan as it comes to preparations?
Practice, determination, keeping our significant other’s happy,  and hopefully keeping the footsies and tootsies warm. Working together as a team. Learn how to swim/run!