Isabella Brandt

Stockholm, Sverige


  • 2022 Fjällmaraton 100k, 15h, 3rd place
  • 2021 Kullamannen 100miles, 27h, 14th place
  • 2021 Fjällmaraton 100k, 14h, 5th place
  • 2021 ÖtillÖ, 9h38min, 5th place
  • 2020 ÖtillÖ Catalina, 2nd place
  • 2019 ÖtillÖ WC, 9h35min, 3rd place
  • 2019 ÖtillÖ Engadin, 2nd place
  • 2019 ÖtillÖ Utö, 3rd place
  • 2019 ÖtillÖ Malta, 3rd place
  • 2018 Blåfrusen 75 km, 8h, 1st place

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

I have been racing mostly swimrun both short and long races but i enjoy the longer ones the most. Also love ultra running mainly in tough terrain and in the mountains, have done five races around 100k and have done some 100milers. For me ÖtillÖ World Championship have been to short, I always want to go further than that race. That’s why I think that one water race is the ultimate experience both swimrun and a longer course.

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I would like to tell my grandkids that I made it from Arholma to Landsort!

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

No I can’t say that I have. I have a huge respect for the course and the challenges that come with it, the longest race i have done is 27 h so that’s nothing in comparison.

– What are your strengths?

Stubborn for sure, motivated to prepare for the race! Im also an equally good swimmer and runner so no clear weakness on the course.

– What are your weaknesses?

I lack experience with adventure racing, I’m not good enough with maps, not good with swimming straight.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

The cold i think and to be able to navigate when I am tired.

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

Yes I think it is an amazing place, it’s like a big playground and perfect for swimrun.

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

The suffering! To push my boundaries along with my team and see how far it takes us.