Helen Wikmar

Sweden flag

Sweden , Göteborg, Sweden


  • 2023 ÖTILLÖ 9h 35 min, 5th place
  • 2022 ÖTILLÖ 9h 13 min, 5th place
  • 2022 KONA World Championship, 11h 30 min
  • 2019 ÖTILLÖ 9h 24 min, 3rd place
  • Cote de vermeille Swimrun 9h 50 min, 1st place
  • Ironman 9 times and best time 10h 30 min
  • ÖtillÖ World Series finisher 13 times with many podiums

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I have never experienced anything like this before. Having birth to twins is the most physical and mental adventure I have done until now. I predict the OWR will have other challenges and bring me so much suffering that I’ve never ever felt before. This is in a weird way very appealing to me! The tougher it gets the stronger I become – Bring it on!

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

No – and this answers question 1 – I’m so ready for a big challenge like this. I also love the team work aspect, that we will only function if everyone in the team is aiming for the same thing. How are you able to work together when you clearly have problems keeping yourself together?! I’m looking forward to meeting this challenges. I want to see what this race can do with our team and what we can do with this race. I think we’re a really great match – positive, eager, driven and curious!

– What are your strengths?

I love to GRIND. The more miserable the stronger I get. One of my strength is that I’m warm. I don’t get cold. That’s a big advantage for the OWR. I’m a good swimrunner, and the swimming is my strength in this sport. I’m also very positive and I like to overcome problems and suffering, put myself above all that and keep on going.

– What are your weaknesses?

I have very little experience of navigation and keep on moving for as long as 60 hrs, but I’ve also managed keeping my shit together raising three kids that didn’t sleep and I have absolutely a fair amount of waken nights and working days. It doesn’t seem to bother me that much to be awake and not sleep at all. I do understand that this isn’t comparable, but I’m not afraid of being awake for days as long as I know that this too shall pass.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

The navigation, but I will relay and trust my teamies 100%

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

The terrain is perfect for me, I love the Stockholm archipelago – I’ve done ÖTILLÖ WC 5 times and the ÖTILLÖ Utö 4 times. I have also had weekend training camps in the archipelago. The best thing is that I don’t have to keep an eye open for the jellyfishes and that I can drink the water during the swims!

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

I look forward to digging as deep as I can, to really be one with nature and the ocean. Working together with my team and accomplishing something this crazy and tough with them would be the feeling I’m after!