Clark de Bevoise

Vancouver, WA


  • 2023 Odyssey Orcas Island , 4th place (solo)
  • 2022 Falls trail ½ marathon, 1h30min
  • 2022 Odyssey Orcas Island , 6th place (men)
  • 2021 Wy’East Skimo Race
  • 2021 Falls trail ½ marathon, 1h26min

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

As a father of two young children I have been selective in my ability to race. Focusing on the art of swimrun I have been able to channel my extracurricular activities and training towards a larger feat of human capacity that I greatly enjoy. As an active member of my local search and rescue team and avid mountaineer I have summited nearly every mountain in the Pacific North West as well as pushed my body to its limit amidst 50+ hour searches, multi-day repeating mountain summits (Everesting challenge on skis). Additionally, I have been able to put into practice traditional navigation and orienteering skills.

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I want to reach my human limit. I have exhibited elements in various individual feats but the ability to combine them into one superhuman challenge was not something I thought possible until I met the extraordinary members of this team.

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

The only similar challenge I have taken was a self supported 48 hour ski challenge where I could see how many times I could summit my local mountain (Mt St Helens) I managed 6 summits for a total of 34,200 ft of gain. For swimming I recently completed a 10k nonstop pool swim run simulation at 1:16 pace.

– What are your strengths?

Swimming and nutrition management. Traveling across rugged terrain at speed. Navigation/orienteering.

– What are your weaknesses?

Maintaining endurance in a race setting – in that I am used to higher speeds for shorter times. I would heavily leverage the experience of my teammates in the coming training months and days of race.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

Untested in the ultra distance and adventure race elements. Race location and geography.

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

I have not been to the area. However, the volcanic rocks and general terrain present around me are similar in challenge to the running terrain and water entry/exit.

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

Learning what humans are capable of. Not just as an individual but as a member of a team that despite being strangers are united by one mission – applying our individual abilities and experience to complete the greatest challenge together.