TEAM 1 – SWEDEN (2023)

Annika Ericsson



  • 2022 – BAMM70 duo women (mountain orientation), 19h41min, 1st place
  • 2021 – BAMM50 duo women (mountain orientation), 14h24 min, 7th place
  • 2020 – Swimrun women Engandin, 6h03 min, 3rd place
  • 2019 – Swimrun mixed Malta, 5h11 min, 3rd place
  • 2019 – Swimrun mixed Costa Brava, 7h09, 1st place
  • 2018 – ÖtillÖ women, 8h56min, 1st place
  • 2017 – ÖtillÖ women, 10h03min, 1st place
  • 2016 – ÖtillÖ women, 9h32min, 1st place
  • 2015 – ÖtillÖ women, 10h30min, 1st place
  • 2013 – ÖtillÖ mixed, 10h33min, 1st place

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

I have been active in the swimrun since 2012 and performed many different races all over the world, short and long ones. Of course, none of the races have been as long as the One water race, which is unique and not a pure swimrun race since orientation is needed. During the last two years I have improved my skills in orientation and done two longer races up in the Swedish mountains. I have also done a larger part of the One water racecourse in different settings, but never the complete non-stop.

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I am very motivated to see if I can manage the complete course and to see how far outside my comfortzone I can go to accomplish that. I know that together with strong team-mates I can push myself very hard to reach the goal.

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

No, not completely. I have done a larger part of the One water racecourse, but not the complete non-stop. To race up to 55-60 hours will be a new challenge for me.

– What are your strengths?

I am a strong swimrunner. My best strength is the swimming since I have been an elite swimmer. I am also a strong endurance runner and can keep on going for a very long time. A third part of swimrun is transitions and in One water race there will be plenty of them. This is where I usually go fast, and we should try and not waste too much time there during the race.

– What are your weaknesses?

I have not taken on this long race non-stop before so I do not know how I will react when lack of sleep will kick in. I am sensitive to cold, and it will be a challenge to keep me warm throughout the race, especially on the longer swims.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

The lack of sleep and not get too cold.

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

Yes, many times and I just love the environment. I am fascinated by islands, and I think that is why I fell in love with swimrun. The Stockholm archipelago contains thousands of islands and if you do swimrun you can just go wherever you want.

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

I am very excited of being part of a team working together to reach a goal. It is not just the One water race itself, it is the journey to the goal and then to see how far we as a team can push each other to accomplish what we want, touch the lighthouse at Landsort

athletes of TEAM 1 – SWEDEN (2023)