Adriel Young

Moss Vale


  • 2023 ÖtiilÖ swimrun world championships, 1st place mixed, 3rd overall
  • 2023 SwimRun Season 8 x 1st finish
  • 2022 ÖtiilÖ swimrun world championships, 2nd place mixed
  • 2022 One Water Race, 47h, 1st place
  • 2021 ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championship, 1st place overall
  • 2018 ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championship, 3rd place
  • 2017 ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championship, 1st place mixed
  • 2016 ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championship, 1st place mixed
  • 2015 Norseman Ironman, Eidfjord Norway, black shirt 10h59m, 12th place
  • 2015 Age Group ITU Long Distance World Championship, 25-29, 1st place
  • 2014 Ironman World Championships, Kona Hawaii, 9th place
  • 2014 Asia Pacific 70.3 Championship, 1st overall age grouper

– What other experiences do you have that demonstrates your competence and ability to complete One Water Race?

Winning team of One Water Race 2022. Many swimruns and triathlons, surf sports background.

– Why do you want to participate in One Water Race?

I want to see what I am capable both mentally and physically and this is one of the ultimate tests of that. I also want to enjoy the amazing experience with my team. Finally and most importantly I want to be a role model to my children and show them what is possible with hard work and determination but also its important to show them that its not always a perfect/smooth route to achieving our goals.

– Have you taken a similar challenge before?

Outside of the first 2 editions of OWR I have never taken on a similar challenge and I have a lot of respect for this race.

– What are your strengths?

My ability to keep going when it gets hard… I guess it really that I am stubborn. I don’t like to give in or give up and I am (very) competitive so that would be my strength for OWR.

– What are your weaknesses?

My lack of training, I never have done enough and that’s a combination of lack of time but more what my body can handle, I find lower volume works for me but in a race like OWR I would say that’s a weakness because its very important to have done the miles.

– What would be your biggest challenges in this race?

To keep awake, keep moving forward, not get cold, push through the inevitable pain, the risks we can not predict of injuries and sickness. But the biggest challenges in a race like this is the nature, the nature will depict how challenging this race is.

– Have you been to the Stockholm archipelago and what do you know/think about the terrain?

Its so beautiful, a good mix of tough and unique terrain, it really has it all from wild untouched islands with thick forests to islands with postcard like small villages and pathed roads.

– What are you most looking forward to, if you would participate in One Water Race?

To be out there with my team mates, pushing ourselves to the limit for each other.

athletes of TEAM 6 – SWE / AUS